Test Rules

FOR THE 2018-2019

The testing policies are established by the Utah Beef Improvement Association (UBIA), in accordance with guidelines established by the Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) and assistance by Utah State University Extension, in operating a Central Bull Testing Station in Levan, Utah. Producers of all breeds are invited to participate in the program. The following rules have been established by the UBIA. Participants are contracted to follow them:

1. The UBIA will accept bulls for test within a relatively narrow age group. Bulls entered in the Sr. Test must have been born between September 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017. Bulls entered in the Jr. Test must have been born between January 1, 2018 and March 20, 2018. Bulls must be individually identified with permanent ear tattoo and/or brand before they are delivered.

2. Entry weight recommendations are a minimum of 2.5 lb. Weight per Day of Age (WDA) and minimum weight of 650 lbs. Bulls entering the test below 650 pounds often have difficulty meeting the 1,000 lb. requirement at the end of the test to qualify for the sale. This is left to the discretion of each grower.

3. The maximum number of bulls that can be enrolled by an individual within a breed in each division is 10 head. If an individual has both Sr. and Jr. bulls and more than one breed, that individual may enroll up to 10 head per division, per breed. All bulls enrolled by said individual must be registered in that individual’s name and under his/her bona fide member number with the breed registry to qualify for official status in the test. The test station has a capacity of 300 bulls. If this capacity is not reached by initial enrollments, the Board of Directors reserves the right to open enrollments to allow those who have enrolled bulls to add to their enrollment. However, there will be no more than 125 bulls sold through the UBIA sale, which may mean the cutoff threshold will have to increase to maintain that level.

4. All breeds will be accepted. However, they must be eligible for registry with a recognized beef breed association and be at least 7/8 pure blood or designated "purebred" by their respective association.

5. Composite bulls may be entered in the UBIA Performance Bull Test if ALL of the following conditions are met:
a. Composite bulls must have both sire and dam registered in a nationally/internationally-recognized beef breed association, with neither having any “commercial” or “grade” breeding in their pedigree in the event that either is a percentage animal.
b. Percentage blood bulls must be recorded with a recognized breed association.
c. Consignors must be participating in an official herd performance record program with weaning data reported to and processed by their breed association.
d. A registration certificate and pedigree must accompany bull at delivery to the test station. e. Only composites consisting of two breeds will be eligible to test and sell in the UBIA sale.

6. Owners must administer pre-conditioning vaccines, which include Blackleg, Malignant Edema, Clostridium Perfringins types C and D, IBR-PI3, BVD, and BRSV; three to four weeks before arriving at the bull test. Vaccines for Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida or Heamophilus somnus are highly recommended as we have seen these reported in lab results of sick and dead bulls in previous tests, but these are not required. It is also recommended that owners treat for internal and external parasites, and that the treatment used for internal parasites be a product that will kill the larvae as well as the adults. Some of these products are Panacur, Ivomec, Synanthic, Safeguard, Dectomax, Cydectin and Valbazen, or any others that are registered for control of larval forms of parasites in cattle. If you have a problem with liver flukes, choose a treatment that will also control them. Complete the treatment record accompanying this packet and see that it accompanies your bulls to the test station. Bulls will not be allowed to be unloaded at the feedlot without this form!
feedlot without this form!

7. Bulls coming from within the state of Utah will not need a brand inspection, but must have proof of ownership (brand card, etc.). They will be inspected for health upon arrival. Out of state consignors should check entrance requirements into the State of Utah before leaving home

8. All bulls will be received on October 8, 2018 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. MDT and 5:00 p.m. MDT. No bulls will be received after this date. If a producer would like to bring bulls to the test station earlier than this date, he/she must contact the feedlot to make arrangements for those early arrivals. Bulls brought to the feedlot after 3:00 p.m. will be held overnight and processed the following day. Receiving will be followed by a 14-day conditioning/warm-up period. The official test will begin on October 23, 2018, and end February 12, 2019 for both tests. The UBIA Bull Test Sale is set for March 16, 2019. Bulls that will not be sold through the UBIA Sale may be picked up on February 16 or 18, 2019. If they remain into the breeding soundness examination period, they will be available for pick up after being cleared for release by the Association veterinarian.

9. Beginning- and End-of-test individual weights will be an average of two weights taken at equal intervals.

10. The bulls will be managed according to the following schedule (Some dates relative to testing/ultrasounding/fitting/videoing may be subject to change):

Oct. 8, 2018 Receive/Process bulls
Oct. 22 & 24, 2018 Weigh bulls onto test
Nov. 19, 2018 Ultrasound Sr. Bulls
Nov. 29, 2018 UBIA Annual Association Membership Meeting
Dec. 1, 2018 All Performance Records, Registration Papers and Genetic Test Verifications Due Dec. 17, 2018 Mid-Test Weigh Day
Jan. 14, 2019 January Weigh Day
Feb. 11 & 13, 2019 Weigh Bulls off Test
Feb. 13-15, 2019 Ultrasound Jr. Bulls
Feb. 19-21, 2019 Breeding Soundness/PAP Testing (Both Sale & Non-Sale* bulls)
Feb. 22-25, 2019 Fitting bulls
Feb. 25-26, 2019 Video/Photograph Sale bulls for Marketing
March 13, 2019 Retest bulls failing initial BSE
March 16, 2019 UBIA Performance Bull Test Sale (*At owner’s request only)

A report of weights, rate of gain, etc. will be sent to all participating breeders. Comparisons will be made on a breed basis, within the Sr. and Jr. tests. Breeds with less than five head will be compared to the average of the division in which those bulls are enrolled.

11. The ration will be formulated by a beef nutritionist, in cooperation with Utah State University Extension. All animals will receive free choice of a 70% TDN ration, developed with the optimum productive life of the bulls in mind, as well as essential gain and efficiency records. Every effort will be made to maintain a test average daily gain of at least 3.0 lbs.

12. Proper care will be provided for bulls on test. Professional veterinary service is available, when necessary, at the owner’s expense. Liability for cattle on test is not assumed by the UBIA, Kenison Farms & Feedlot, or their agents/personnel.

13. Costs:A. Feed Charge $550/bull in three installments as follows:
$150 at receiving
$200 on January 1, 2019
$200 at conclusion of the test
(Feed Charges are broken down as approximately 60% for feed and 40% yardage andmanagement costs.)
All feed bills will be paid to Kenison Feedlot. These payments will be mailed to Kenison Feedlot, P.O. Box 100, Levan, UT 84639-0100.
B. Following the end of the test, feed will be charged at $3.00 per head per day through sale day or until the bulls leave the feedlot.
C. Treatment of sick cattle, together with all tests and vaccinations given at station will be charged to the bulls' owner at the cost of medication. Treatment of sick cattle will be accompanied by a $5 chute charge.
D. All bulls qualifying for the UBIA Performance Bull Test Sale, along with any non-sale bulls that owners wish to have tested will be tested for breeding soundness and pulmonary artery pressure (PAP). The costs for these tests are negotiated by UBIA with an independent veterinarian.
E. Post-test expenses for breeding soundness and fitting of sale bulls have averaged about $150/bull.

14. TERMS:
A. A completed entry form must be postmarked by September 14, 2018, and received in advance of the bulls' arrival at the feedlot. A non-refundable, entry and ultrasound fee of $80.00 per bull is due with each application. Consignors shall be members of Utah Beef Improvement Association. Payment of the entry fee constitutes membership dues in the Association.
B. If feed bills are not paid within 30 days of the listed due date, interest will be charged at a rate established by the feedlot and in line with current consumer interest rates. No bulls can be removed from the yard until all outstanding bills are paid.
C. All feed bills shall be made payable to Kenison Feedlot. Checks for entry fees are payable to Utah Beef Improvement Association.
D. Mail entry fee check with the entry form on or before September 14, 2018 to:UTAH BEEF IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATIONATTN. - C. KIM CHAPMANUtah State University Extension250 N. MainRICHFIELD, UTAH 84701-2158
E. If there is a question on age of bulls, a veterinarian may be employed to mouth bulls in question.
F. Any consignor who has a history of delinquency relative to payment of fees and feed will be required to pay a deposit for feed and fees, the amount of which to be determined by the Board of Directors.

15. Bulls committed to the test must remain until the test is completed unless they develop a chronic illness or there are other extenuating circumstances. It is the decision of the Board of Directors to release a bull. This policy applies to unofficial bulls also.

16. Bulls must be fully weaned and conditioned to dry feed before bringing them to the station. This will allow them to adapt to feed and the new surroundings much better. This is only fair to the management of the station. Bulls that are “trailer weaned” on the way to the feedlot will not remain on the test and the owner will be asked to take them home.

17. Utah Beef Improvement Association will conduct a sale at the end of the test. Any bull with a combined ratio of 100 or higher and an adjusted yearling weight of at least 1,000 pounds, at the end of the test will be considered for the sale (See rule 18 for further explanation to qualify for the sale). If an owner does not want a qualified bull to sell in the Association sale, the owner must inform the Executive Secretary, in writing, before the end of the test, that the bull will not be offered in the sale. (Combined ratio = [70% x Test Gain Ratio] + [30% x Adjusted 365-day Weight Ratio]).

18. The UBIA Board of Directors has established that a maximum of 125 bulls will be qualified for sale at the annual UBIA Performance Bull Test Sale. The number of sale slots assigned per breed is in accordance with the percentage of the test represented by that breed. This shall include bulls that have a Combined Ratio above 100. If the 125 sale bull threshold is not met, bulls which have a Combined Ratio of 99.99 to 95.00 may be considered for the sale on a sliding scale, beginning with the highest indexing bulls, until the sale slots for that breed are filled. All sale bulls must pass the breeding soundness exam and sifting criteria for structural soundness.

19. A performance record from your breed association and a copy of the registration certificate for each bull is due to the Executive Secretary by December 1, 2018. (Please do not send original registration certificates!) The performance record shall contain the actual weaning weight and date, adjusted 205- day weight, as calculated by your breed association, as well as EPD’s for at least the following: Birth Weight, Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight and Maternal Milk. Failure to provide this information by December 1, 2018 will result in the bull or bulls being placed on unofficial test, making them ineligible for the sale. This means that all bulls entered into the test must be participating in their breeds’ performance record program. All performance data must be official breed association calculations, and come from the association. Hand-calculated data or data sent on a spreadsheet developed by the consignor will not be accepted. If your breed registration papers list the required performance information, a copy of the registration papers for each bull will be sufficient.

20. Bulls will be fed by breed. Breeds that do not have adequate numbers to fill a pen (typically about 50 head) will be commingled with other breeds and fed together.

21. BiosecurityIn order to protect the bulls enrolled in the Utah Beef Improvement Association (UBIA) Performance Bull Test, and to maintain the biological integrity of the test, the Board of Directors has adopted the following policy regarding the biosecurity of the test:
Any bull enrolled in the UBIA Performance Bull Test will be required to remain at the test station from the time he is received at the test until such time as the test management releases him after the conclusion of the test. The only exception to this is when a bull is taken by feedlot personnel to a veterinary clinic to have the bull treated for an illness. In such a case, the bull may be returned to complete the test following treatment. Any bull removed from the feedlot prior to the UBIA Sale will automatically become ineligible to be sold through the UBIA Performance-Tested Bull Sale, and cannot, under any circumstances, be returned to the feedlot.

22. UBIA eartags will be placed in each bull’s left ear. If you want your ranch ID eartag to be retained, it needs to be placed in the bull’s right ear prior to delivery of the bull to the test station. Any ranch tags found in the bull’s left ear at receiving will be removed and discarded to facilitate placement of the UBIA eartag

23. Any Angus bull, or Composite bull with Angus breeding in its pedigree, that is a potential carrier of either the AM (Arthrogryposis multiplex), NH (Neuropathic hydrocephalus) CA (Contractural Arachnodactyly; formerly known as Fawn Calf Syndrome) or DD (Developmental Duplication)genes, shall have samples collected for DNA testing prior to arrival at the test. Any carriers of the AM, NH or CA defects are ineligible to sell in the UBIA Performance-Tested Bull Sale. DD carriers will be eligible for marketing through the Sale, but carrier status will be listed in the sale catalog. Verification of test results must be turned in to the Executive Secretary by December 1, 2018.

24. Sale consignors are required to assist with delivery of bulls to their home area if bull buyers request delivery. Those asked to deliver bulls will be reimbursed at a rate of $0.75/mile for the round trip mileage beyond their home operation to the delivery point. If a consignor leaves the sale yard with trailer space to accommodate delivery of bulls and bulls subsequently need to be delivered to his/her area, UBIA will charge that consignor the cost of delivery of those bulls that the consignor could have delivered by remaining at the sale.

25. If a current member would like to increase his/her entry, up to the ten head/breed/division limit, their entry will be given preferential treatment before any new entries are considered, provided the test has not reached the 300 head test limit. These additional enrollments will be addressed in the order that they are received by the Executive Secretary.

26. Black Angus Low Birth Weight Division - There will be two divisions within the Angus breed test. Those divisions will be categorized as the “Growth” and “Low Birth Weight” Divisions (LBW). In order to qualify to be in the LBW Division, a bull must meet all of the following criteria on the 3rd weight period weigh day:
a. Birth Weight of less than or equal to 80 pounds, and
b. Birth Weight(BW) EPD of less than or equal to +1.2, and
c. Calving Ease(CE) EPD of greater than or equal to +6.0
All Black Angus bulls not classified in the LBW Division shall be entered into the Growth Division. It is highly recommended that bulls presumed to qualify for inclusion in the LBW Division be DNA tested to increase EPD accuracy.

27. All sale bulls will be PAP tested to measure pulmonary artery pressure and the values will be provided to potential buyers in the sale catalog.

28. Any grievance relative to any aspect of the UBIA Performance Bull Test must be submitted in writing or via e-mail to the Association Vice President who will take the grievance to the Board of Directors for a ruling.